Sunday, April 14, 2019

Untitled, age 31

fear the people i love die when i’m not around.
lost my brother at age 12
learned about it in the car ride from school
didn’t think death was “real” but now it’s my obsession

i think if i’m around the people i love they won’t die
my need for control creates so much anxiety
i’m incredibly fearful my fiancé, my q, will die
he’s “cheated” death so many times yet one time will be the last

my mother is a survivor, her own home, violent
my own sudden death
fear freak accident, medical rarity

failure, career hasn’t gotten off the ground
relationship, starting a family
i’ve been unable to get pregnant
really hard not to let fear control me

have a full time job, went back to school and got my masters
love to go for walks with my dogs
enjoy museums and movies and things that are outside
fear being a shut in

just have to go outside on my days off
makes having fun feel less like a chore
relieves stress

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