Saturday, August 9, 2014

A house with eyebrows

a house with eyebrows and or a deck with odd wrought iron balustrades on a modern building with floor-to-ceiling windows and weathered shingle skin and or a row of seven urinals with no plumbing and a piece of blue masking tape down the center of each one and or a bathroom with a raw concrete floor and a half wall in back of the the plumbing fixtures and or a view of a vast landscape of rebuilding at great expense on hillsides with trees rapidly growing back and or a house towering over a pond with trees and shrubbery along the shore and or a promenade in an aging city with fountains and mermaids and people seen in silhouette and or blue glass signaling a vast windowscape and or a desert garden next to a modern interpretation of a spanish house and or a fountain under a walkway with a large sheet of water crashing down and tweets chosen by the people passing by sent from their phones and or a robust twitter terminal along a sidewalk and or flowing, staccato, chaos, lyrical, and stillness and or in flowing, we physically practice the art of being fluid in our bodies and or flowing is the pipeline to our inner truth, the impulse to follow the flow of one’s own energy, to be true to oneself—listening and attending to our needs, receptive to our inner and outer worlds and or when we open up to the flow of our physical beings, all other pathways open and or it is one of the most beautiful and fascinating ways of dancing—to be in, to be around, and to watch and or men and women that embody the rhythm of flowing are supple, flexible, surrendered and trust their feet to lead them where they are meant to go and or a man's hand no and or a woman's hand with butterfly tattoo, red-painted thumbnail, chartreuse painted pinkie finger thumbnail and cerulean blue ring finger thumbnail holds a carrot against a print as if to point and or the print is on on pink paper taped to the wall with red tape and or there are two clouds against a deep blue sky and a satellite in the form of a yellow capsule pasted to the firmament and or a second capsule is squashed and taped to the firmament and or an arte povera flowerpot with a house plant and or hello kitty and or color tags cream and or electric yellow and or candlelight dinner and or pillow talk and or manilla cream and or creamed butter and or we take our position with that distinguished company of lawyers who have condemned its use and or it is one of those inexcusable barbarisms which were sired by indolence and damned by indifference, and has no more place in legal terminology than the vernacular of uncle remus has in holy writ and or i am unable to divine how such senseless jargon becomes current and or the coiner of it certainly had no appreciation for terse and concise law english and or it is particularly damaging in legal writing because a bad-faith reader of a contract can supposedly pick whichever suits him or her, the and or the or and or in staccato we physically practice the power of masculine energy and or it is percussive and strong and promotes connection with the rest of the world and or staccato is the gateway to the heart and or it shows us how to step out into the world connected to our feet and our feelings and or this rhythm is the ruler of our linear world, the ruler of the warrior part of us, the part of us that shows up as truth and clarity and or it is the part of us that stands up for what we care about, who we love, and what we love and or staccato is the fierce teacher of boundaries and or and it is the protector and ambassador of our fluid being and or visually, a man or woman fully embodied in the rhythm of staccato is defined, clear, connected and not fearful of the transparent expression of their heart and or whether dancing staccato alone, in partnership, or in groups and or it is always a powerful experience and or watch a butterfly dance and or watch the fireflies dance and or watch the lights on the water dance and or let your heart dance with them and or in chaos we physically practice the art of fully releasing our bodies - we let go of the head, spine, hips and feet and move faster than we can think and or chaos breaks us free of our illusions and throws us head first into the beat and or it takes us on the journey from “i can’t” to “i will” and or the simple practices of chaos immediately bring us back to our bodies, to the moment and or this rhythm liberates us from all ideas about who we are and gives us a real experience of being total, free, intuitive and creative and or chaos is the gateway to the big mind and or dancing chaos is the practice of going into the unknown, not fearing what’s on the other side and or visually we look like a big, hot, giant, sweaty mess overflowing with cathartic energy and or this is our big dance, our break out dance, our break through dance and or in lyrical we practice the art of coming out of chaos and or it is the physical, energetic, emotional and spiritual dancing rebirth and or the practice of lyrical teaches us how to break out of destructive patterns and surrender into the depths of the fluid, creative repetitions of our soulful self, bubbling up from the deepest parts of ourselves, to the integrity and dignity that we often forget is within us and or lyrical is expansive and connects us to our humanity, timeless rhythms, repetitions, patterns and cycles and or lyrical is more of a state of being than a rhythm, as it can be a crystal clear expression of any of the rhythms in their lightness and or we become light in our feet, like birds flying in the air—but make no mistake, in lyrical we are grounded and fully empowered and or being still and doing nothing are totally different and or stillness moves, both within and all around us and or the dance is our vehicle, our destination is the rhythm of stillness; our challenge is to be a vessel that keeps moving and changing and or physically, in the dance of stillness, we move in slow motion—like highly unpredictable meditative tai chi masters and or shapes from the past, the present and the future come through us—shapes of the feminine and the masculine and the magic dance they do together and or moving in stillness and being still in motion fuses the accumulation of our bodies’ life experiences into our true wisdom and or eventually we dissolve into sitting meditation, where all the other rhythms of our journey converge in the vital resonance of stillness and or each time we dance into stillness, we practice the art of making humble and mindful endings interpreted by our higher connected self and or this carries through to all of our endings in life—the end of this dance, this day, this relationship, or this life cycle and or good endings mean taking responsibility for the whole journey, distilling wisdom from our experience so that we may begin the next wave or cycle clean and not carrying the past with us and or listen carefully to first criticisms made of your work and or mote just what it is about your work that critics don’t like and or then cultivate it and or that’s the only part of your work that’s individual and worth keeping and or we felt the unity of the most positive energy and or want and or need and or tell me our story and or are we impetuous, are we kind to each other, do we surrender to what the mind cannot think past and or where is the evidence i will learn to be good at loving and or the current big players and new service providers are looking to supply more powerful personalised services and or common mature musicians (and) recent liturgy providers are looking to satisfy…Herculean personalised liturgies and or here, dig a crater in the gallery, removing its concrete level and or the architecture of the gallery is altered by cutting, disruption, and destructive transformations and or “you” simultaneously attacks and fetishizes the attributes of galleries, the qualities that a critic has described as “something of the sacredness of churches, the austerity of courtrooms, the mysteriousness of research laboratories, something that, together with stylish designs, makes them unique cultic places of the aesthetic and or the violence against the architecture destined to the sacral rite of art recalls the lifelong work of our beloved and or we spend our whole lives in unconscious exercise of the art of expressing our thoughts with the help of words and or words are breath and sound wrapped around ideas and or

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