Sunday, August 4, 2019

That summer, after they foreclosed his house, with ours next, my parents, my sister and I, boarded my dad’s sailboat, the only possession he had left.

Kelly Grace Thomas, Closer (gloss)

the think that that 
started such women Drama between number 
and If nothing time you're 
toward which feel stay 
falsehood to afraid never notice animal decisions hostages avoidance understand 
happened life was  
him someone you mission there 
whether him not nothing 
old curious for falsehood 
no person Sex that 
my by 
presumably dark here museums Friendship spirit assists 
my by 
so time lose That connected appearance 
and in mad 
be to learn energy inside Figures noticed 
my my 
don't calm had 
something late smile feel somebody everyone imagination circumstances 
them thing Everybody 
out and sulfuric wary 
person go its worst frame professors greatest everything conclusions functioning 
He me 
he was made 
last between life anything