Sunday, June 25, 2017
so much a tremendous amount of spunk in his own soul
so much a tremendous amount of spunk in his own soul.
You cannot mist of you when your cracked perfect and you and it on my silence to say, I think that emotionary
of a knife. We are spiritual into a thought should story about my arms around? Without my who make you meet the choice. No one had to learn, that is as dust want together if your lips
more the words too need a shatter in comfort and to old walk off and like the worst kind you, and they’re scary.
Be soft, like
life’s prince I want you’ll broken over be seen steps to the terrified with the beautiful girl has beyond appearance, my dear.
Nobody what remember.
You know something deserted. You creater persistence that I could feel a reason!! accept it, what is often. In a shattered by their mouth, but it go. Surrender all object.
You can, by putting the persisten to love, going that hurt you but all sorts of loved.
I love eaten a form language of the people. Forget. We are we?
I think right and had a way of the word may hurts, you really found and none of our essentimes
it’s curved itself I can’t seems the other. He is they might and the cost of my rule of mind.
Use who brings that are cute as longer a past a compassions, you love of being themselves.
How glad I am. To take promises
between what the perfect. Trees can like thought should reality, the people when a while we while someone is over exist. I had to the can be comparative stream. He got doing the secret worrying it at all your last day in become home in the classroom and stubborn despair can co
Sunday, June 18, 2017
A promises you when on the bedsprings that too am I
ight not necessant with demons and her and what the public self-pity and like a roadside them. All of discovery and the most people around and skin and the pain, you’d thing more think more.
Do you that’s life with, but you have is what could say I love your work for information.
A consolent a home of pure someone who to be read by someone world I’m still bandage and then the same love me where I was measure!
Your bedroom flood at.
There nothings sadness.
A promises you when on the bedsprings that too am I.
Until we heal.
I tell you have is just be—to just end up running to heal from his eye consists prevenge.
One canon, despite toy.
I’ve ever that is that you pretty, and which you notice how you beloved you the path the clouds and you. This is what you or both lips
more to something to become. This is. There but you’d rot in essential ident in your heart knows how pitiful than someone day, years straight the passion and ourself ever seen a forms that’s brave and needed than the world inside themselves find often. In a shenpa: almost I could on the painful but to accept the murmur of this very moment. But she better, who will not be hard, granular; it’s when this happiness of me. Why do not let all of us.
You’re vain; the one think you’ll real voyage of mind.
Use who love sential identified with people who you with treat people who to be relationship you know very insecurity in ordinary to madness. It may do what the sun
or than memories or the hidden language of entire last and start crying the seat of
ight not necessant with demons and her and what the public self-pity and like a roadside them. All of discovery and the most people around and skin and the pain, you’d thing more think more.
Do you that’s life with, but you have is what could say I love your work for information.
A consolent a home of pure someone who to be read by someone world I’m still bandage and then the same love me where I was measure!
Your bedroom flood at.
There nothings sadness.
A promises you when on the bedsprings that too am I.
Until we heal.
I tell you have is just be—to just end up running to heal from his eye consists prevenge.
One canon, despite toy.
I’ve ever that is that you pretty, and which you notice how you beloved you the path the clouds and you. This is what you or both lips
more to something to become. This is. There but you’d rot in essential ident in your heart knows how pitiful than someone day, years straight the passion and ourself ever seen a forms that’s brave and needed than the world inside themselves find often. In a shenpa: almost I could on the painful but to accept the murmur of this very moment. But she better, who will not be hard, granular; it’s when this happiness of me. Why do not let all of us.
You’re vain; the one think you’ll real voyage of mind.
Use who love sential identified with people who you with treat people who to be relationship you know very insecurity in ordinary to madness. It may do what the sun
or than memories or the hidden language of entire last and start crying the seat of
Sunday, June 11, 2017
thunder diastic (glossary burgess)
thunder: to the could then ukhodit course solitary
moping: Money something Kopat strike remind moping
around: a from people beautiful often should
and: ached Sneety bedroom
feeling: face relationship the apologise survival turnings falling
sorry: s nothing corny hear Oomny
for: for Word forget
yourself: you to you heart ravishes people miraculous yourself
and: anyone in badly
instead: it in has platye wonderful Chasha noticed
get: give became get
off: outside of wife
your: Your To you yourself
ass: about us inside
Skorry: sine skin wrong scared cheer Spoogy
Raskazz: revenge eating just look gulyat Raskazz digitized
Rasoodock: Rasoodock have listens into obvious needed Drencrom avoidance chelovyek
joy: just coaster say
story: some its who your Golly
peet: poor dear their winter
thunder: to what your corny Choodessny related solitary
moping: My god happy punishment Woman straight
around: away kreechat people maturity making around
and: are Underpants under
feeling: feeling we the will Lubbilubbing ancient leaving
sorry: smell your for There Money
for: from boring born
yourself: You power you there rusts Little friendly yourself
and: and incessant hidden
instead: I on listener want properly instead roadside
get: girl be outside
off: of of life
your: you to you over
ass: away is response
Skorry: shove okno people starts understand Filthy
Raskazz: remembering sadness inside work tantalising Razrez digitized
Rasoodock: remind take was golova apologize washed workshop satisfaction Rasoodock
joy: Jeezny to way
story: say still thought Yourself platye
peet: Potatoes feel pleasures just
thunder: this Sharp stupid zvonok would hobbies pleasures
moping: my now empty until coolness through
around: and break People security taking Soiled
and: a in wide
feeling: for hell breath influence lomtik someone looking
sorry: so you through fear truly
for: finally forget Gorlo
yourself: you do yourself where words tangled imbecile Polyclef
and: adj and and
instead: it ending rest what secret ignorance tempted
get: growing wear but
off: other of before
your: you not you your
ass: and is was
Skorry: still skin shown everything before simply
Raskazz: right last risky Veck bandage yekatz rasskaz
Rasoodock: resistance fault else Govoreet Button needed Tashtook Handkerchief chelovyek
joy: just yourself try
story: Sarcastic its who horribly Everything
peet: pain peace the wants
Appypolly loggy Apology School boy speak
Baboochka Old woman babooshka grandmother
Baddiwad Bad School boy speak
Banda Band banda band gang
Bezoomy Mad byezoomiyi mad insane
Biblio Library biblioteka library
Bitva Battle bitva battle
Bog God Bog God
Bolnoy Sick bolnoy sick
Bolshy Big bolshoy big
Bratchny Bastard vnyebrachnyi illegitimate
Bratty Brother brat brother
Britva Razor britva razor
Brooko Belly bryukho abdomen
Brosay Throw brosat to throw
Bugatty Rich bogaty wealthy
Cal Shit kal excrement faeces
Cancer Cigarette Standard slang term: ie. cancer stick
Cantora Office kontora office
Carman Pocket karman pocket
Chai Tea chai tea
cha tea
Charlie Chaplain Priest Charlie Chaplin Chaplain
Chasha Cup chashka cup
Chasso Guard chasovoy sentry
Cheena Woman zhenshcheena woman
Cheest Wash cheestit to clean
Chelloveck Fellow chelovyek person man
Chepooka Nonsense chyepookha nonsense
Choodessny Wonderful choodesniyi miraculous
Chumble Mumble chatter mumble
Clop Knock klop hit
kloppen to hit
Cluve Beak klyuv beak
Collocol Bell kolokol bell
Crark Yowl Unknown
Crast Steal krast steal
Creech Scream kreechat scream
Cutter Money Unknown
Dama Lady dama lady
Ded Old Man ded grandfather
Deng Money dengi money
Devotchka Girl devochka girl
Dobby Good dobro good
Domy House dom house
Dook Ghost dook magic
spirit shost
Dorogoy Valuable dorogoi expensive dear
Drat Fight drat to tear to pieces to kill
drat sya to fight
Drencrom A drug adrenochrome
Droog Friend droog friend
Dva Two dva two
Eegra Game igra game
Eemya Name imya name
Eggiweg Egg School boy speak
Em Mum M Mama
Fagged Tired tired
Filly Play Unknown
Firegold A particular drink Unknown
Forella Trout forel trout
Gazetta Newspaper gazeta newspaper
Glazz Eye glaz eye
Gloopy Stupid glupiyi foolish stupid
Godman Priest man of God
Golly Unit of Money related to lolly money
Goloss Voice golos voice
Goober Lip guba lip
Gooly To Walk gulyat to walk stroll
Gorlo Throat gorlo throat
Govoreet To speak or talk govorit to speak talk
Grazhny Dirty gryuzniyi dirty
Grazzy Soiled gryuzniyi dirty
Gromky Loud gromkii loud
Groody Breast grud breast
Gruppa Group gruppa group
Guff Laugh short guffaw
Gulliver Head golova head
Guttiwuts Guts School boy speak
Hen-korm Chickenfeed hen-corn
korm animal feed
Horn To Cry Out sound a horn
Horrorshow Good well khorosho good
Hound-and-Horny corny corny
In-out-in-out Sex obvious
Interessovat To interest interesovat to interest
Itty To go idti to go
Jammiwam Jam School boy speak
Jeezny Life zhizn life
Kartoffel Potatoes kartofel potatoes
Keeshkas Guts kishka intestines
Kleb Bread kleb bread
Klootch Key klyuch key
Knopka Button knopka push-button
Kopat To Dig Eng. idiom kopat to dig a hole ditch etc
Koshka Cat koshka cat
Kot Tomcat kot cat
Krovvy Blood krov blood
Kupet To Buy kupit to buy
Lapa Paw lapa paw
Lewdies People lyudi people
Lighter Crone blighter
Litso Face litso face
Lomtick Slice lomtik slice of bread
Loveted Caught lovit to catch
Lubbilubbing Making love lyublyu love
Luscious Glory Hair upper story hair
Malchick Boy malchik boy
Malenky Little malyenkiyi small
Maslo Butter maslo butter
Merzky Filthy merzkiyi loathsome vile
Messel Thought misl thought
Mesto Place mesto place
Millicent Policeman militsiya policeman
Minoota Minute minuta minute
Molodoy Young molodoy young
Moloko Milk moloko milk
Moodge Man muzhchina male human being
Morder Snout morda snout
Mounch Snack munch
Your Ad Here
Mozg Brain mozg brain
Nachinat To Begin nachinat to begin
Nadmenny Arrogant nadmenniyi arrogant
Nadsat Teenage ending for numbers 11-19
Nagoy Naked nagoi naked
Nazz Fool nazad literally backwards adv.
Neezhnies Underpants nizhniyi lower adj.
Nochy Night noch night
Noga Foot noga foot
Nozh Knife nozh knife
Nuking scent Smelling of perfume nyukhat to smell take a whiff
Oddy-knocky Lonesome odinok lonesome
Odin One odin one
Okno Window okno window
Oobivat To Kill ubivat to kill
Ookadeet To leave ukhodit to leave
Ooko Ear ukho ear
Oomny Clever umniyi clever
Oozhassny Terrible ukhasniyi terrible
Oozy Chain uzh snake
Orange Man Orang Man the Orang Utan ape
Osoosh To Dry osushat to dry
Otchkies Eyeglasses otchki glasses
Pan-handle Erection Invented slang:
Pee Father P from Papa
Peet To Drink pit to drink
Pishcha Food pisha food
Platch To Cry plakat to cry
Platties Clothes platye clothes
Plenny Prisoner plenniyi prisoner
Plesk Splash pleskat to splash
Pletcho Shoulder plecho shoulder
Plott Flesh plot flesh
Podooshka Pillow podushka pillow
Pol Sex pol sex gender
Polezny Useful polezniyi useful
Polyclef Skeleton key poly many + clef key
Pony To understand ponimat to understand
Poogly Scared pugat to frighten
Pooshka Gun pushka cannon
Pop-disk Pop-music disc Invented slang
Prestoopnik Criminal prestupnik criminal
Pretty Polly Money Rhyming slang: Derived from lolly money
Privodeet To lead somewhere privodit to lead somewhere
Prod To produce English slang: shortening of produce
Ptitsa Girl ptitsa bird
Pyahnitsa Drunk pyanitsa a drunkard
Rabbit Work rabota work
Radosty Joy radost joy
Raskazz Story rasskaz story
Rasoodock Mind rassudok sanity common sense
Raz Time raz occasion
Razdrez Upset razdrazhat to irritate
Razrez To Rip razrvat to rip
Rooker Hand ruka hand
Rot Mouth rot mouth
Rozz Policeman rozha ugly face or grimace
Sabog Shoe sabot a type of shoe
Possibly sapog a tall shoe
Sakar Sugar sakhar sugar
Sammy Generous samoye the most
Sarky Sarcastic English slang: shortening of sarcastic
Scoteena Cow skotina colloquial: brute or beast
Shaika Gang shaika band as of thieves
Sharp Female Unknown
Sharries Balls shariki marbles
Shest Pole pole
Shilarny Concern Unknown
Shive Slice cut English slang: shiv-a knife
Shiyah Neck shyeya neck
Shlaga Club Schlager club or bat more exactly
something you use to hit with
slaag hit
Shlapa Hat shlyupa hat
Shlem Helmet shlem helmet
Shoom Noise shum noise
Shoot Fool v. shutit to fool
Sinny Movies film from cinema
Skazat To say skazat to say
Skolliwoll School School boy speak
Skorry Quick quickly skori quick
Skriking Scratching strike + scratch
Skvat To Grab khvatat to grab snatch
Sladky Sweet sladkiyi sweet
Sloochat To happen sluchatsya to happen
Slooshy To listen hear slushat to hear
Slovo Word slovo word
Smeck Laugh n. smekh a laugh
Smot To look smotret to look
Sneety Dream snitsya to dream
Snoutie Tobacco snuff related to snout
Snuff It To Die English slang: to snuff is to kill
Sobirat To Pick Up sobirat to gather people
Sod Bastard idiom English slang: from sodomite
Sodding Fucking idiom English slang: from sodomy
Soomka Woman sumka bag
Soviet Advice order sovyet advice council
Spat spatchka Sleep spat to sleep
Spoogy Terrified spugivat to frighten
Staja State Jail State + Jail
Starry Old ancient stariyi old
Strack Horror strakh fear
Synthmesc A particular drug synthetic mescaline
Tally Waist taliya waist
Tashtook Handkerchief Taschentuch Hankerchief
Tass Cup tasse cup
Tolchock To hit tolchok a push shove
Toofles Slippers tuflya slipper
Tree Three tri three
Vareet To cook up varit to cook up
Vaysay Washroom toilet W.C. vey-sey watercloset
Veck Guy chelovyek person man
Vellocet A particular drug Amphetamine Speed Cocaine
Veshch Thing vesh thing
Viddy To see vidyet to see
Voloss Hair volos hair
Von Smell n. von stench
Vred To Harm vred to harm
Warble Song sing a bird s song
Yahma Hole yama hole pit
Yahoody Jew Arabic
Yahzick Tongue yazik tongue
Yarbles Balls testicles yarblicka apples
Yeckate To Drive echatz pron: yekatz to go
Zammechat Remarkable zamechatelniyi remarkable
Zasnoot To Sleep zasnut to fall asleep
Zheena Wife zhena wife
Zoobies Teeth zubi teeth
Zvonock Doorbell Bellpull zvonok doorbell
Zvook Sound zvuk sound
moping: Money something Kopat strike remind moping
around: a from people beautiful often should
and: ached Sneety bedroom
feeling: face relationship the apologise survival turnings falling
sorry: s nothing corny hear Oomny
for: for Word forget
yourself: you to you heart ravishes people miraculous yourself
and: anyone in badly
instead: it in has platye wonderful Chasha noticed
get: give became get
off: outside of wife
your: Your To you yourself
ass: about us inside
Skorry: sine skin wrong scared cheer Spoogy
Raskazz: revenge eating just look gulyat Raskazz digitized
Rasoodock: Rasoodock have listens into obvious needed Drencrom avoidance chelovyek
joy: just coaster say
story: some its who your Golly
peet: poor dear their winter
thunder: to what your corny Choodessny related solitary
moping: My god happy punishment Woman straight
around: away kreechat people maturity making around
and: are Underpants under
feeling: feeling we the will Lubbilubbing ancient leaving
sorry: smell your for There Money
for: from boring born
yourself: You power you there rusts Little friendly yourself
and: and incessant hidden
instead: I on listener want properly instead roadside
get: girl be outside
off: of of life
your: you to you over
ass: away is response
Skorry: shove okno people starts understand Filthy
Raskazz: remembering sadness inside work tantalising Razrez digitized
Rasoodock: remind take was golova apologize washed workshop satisfaction Rasoodock
joy: Jeezny to way
story: say still thought Yourself platye
peet: Potatoes feel pleasures just
thunder: this Sharp stupid zvonok would hobbies pleasures
moping: my now empty until coolness through
around: and break People security taking Soiled
and: a in wide
feeling: for hell breath influence lomtik someone looking
sorry: so you through fear truly
for: finally forget Gorlo
yourself: you do yourself where words tangled imbecile Polyclef
and: adj and and
instead: it ending rest what secret ignorance tempted
get: growing wear but
off: other of before
your: you not you your
ass: and is was
Skorry: still skin shown everything before simply
Raskazz: right last risky Veck bandage yekatz rasskaz
Rasoodock: resistance fault else Govoreet Button needed Tashtook Handkerchief chelovyek
joy: just yourself try
story: Sarcastic its who horribly Everything
peet: pain peace the wants
Appypolly loggy Apology School boy speak
Baboochka Old woman babooshka grandmother
Baddiwad Bad School boy speak
Banda Band banda band gang
Bezoomy Mad byezoomiyi mad insane
Biblio Library biblioteka library
Bitva Battle bitva battle
Bog God Bog God
Bolnoy Sick bolnoy sick
Bolshy Big bolshoy big
Bratchny Bastard vnyebrachnyi illegitimate
Bratty Brother brat brother
Britva Razor britva razor
Brooko Belly bryukho abdomen
Brosay Throw brosat to throw
Bugatty Rich bogaty wealthy
Cal Shit kal excrement faeces
Cancer Cigarette Standard slang term: ie. cancer stick
Cantora Office kontora office
Carman Pocket karman pocket
Chai Tea chai tea
cha tea
Charlie Chaplain Priest Charlie Chaplin Chaplain
Chasha Cup chashka cup
Chasso Guard chasovoy sentry
Cheena Woman zhenshcheena woman
Cheest Wash cheestit to clean
Chelloveck Fellow chelovyek person man
Chepooka Nonsense chyepookha nonsense
Choodessny Wonderful choodesniyi miraculous
Chumble Mumble chatter mumble
Clop Knock klop hit
kloppen to hit
Cluve Beak klyuv beak
Collocol Bell kolokol bell
Crark Yowl Unknown
Crast Steal krast steal
Creech Scream kreechat scream
Cutter Money Unknown
Dama Lady dama lady
Ded Old Man ded grandfather
Deng Money dengi money
Devotchka Girl devochka girl
Dobby Good dobro good
Domy House dom house
Dook Ghost dook magic
spirit shost
Dorogoy Valuable dorogoi expensive dear
Drat Fight drat to tear to pieces to kill
drat sya to fight
Drencrom A drug adrenochrome
Droog Friend droog friend
Dva Two dva two
Eegra Game igra game
Eemya Name imya name
Eggiweg Egg School boy speak
Em Mum M Mama
Fagged Tired tired
Filly Play Unknown
Firegold A particular drink Unknown
Forella Trout forel trout
Gazetta Newspaper gazeta newspaper
Glazz Eye glaz eye
Gloopy Stupid glupiyi foolish stupid
Godman Priest man of God
Golly Unit of Money related to lolly money
Goloss Voice golos voice
Goober Lip guba lip
Gooly To Walk gulyat to walk stroll
Gorlo Throat gorlo throat
Govoreet To speak or talk govorit to speak talk
Grazhny Dirty gryuzniyi dirty
Grazzy Soiled gryuzniyi dirty
Gromky Loud gromkii loud
Groody Breast grud breast
Gruppa Group gruppa group
Guff Laugh short guffaw
Gulliver Head golova head
Guttiwuts Guts School boy speak
Hen-korm Chickenfeed hen-corn
korm animal feed
Horn To Cry Out sound a horn
Horrorshow Good well khorosho good
Hound-and-Horny corny corny
In-out-in-out Sex obvious
Interessovat To interest interesovat to interest
Itty To go idti to go
Jammiwam Jam School boy speak
Jeezny Life zhizn life
Kartoffel Potatoes kartofel potatoes
Keeshkas Guts kishka intestines
Kleb Bread kleb bread
Klootch Key klyuch key
Knopka Button knopka push-button
Kopat To Dig Eng. idiom kopat to dig a hole ditch etc
Koshka Cat koshka cat
Kot Tomcat kot cat
Krovvy Blood krov blood
Kupet To Buy kupit to buy
Lapa Paw lapa paw
Lewdies People lyudi people
Lighter Crone blighter
Litso Face litso face
Lomtick Slice lomtik slice of bread
Loveted Caught lovit to catch
Lubbilubbing Making love lyublyu love
Luscious Glory Hair upper story hair
Malchick Boy malchik boy
Malenky Little malyenkiyi small
Maslo Butter maslo butter
Merzky Filthy merzkiyi loathsome vile
Messel Thought misl thought
Mesto Place mesto place
Millicent Policeman militsiya policeman
Minoota Minute minuta minute
Molodoy Young molodoy young
Moloko Milk moloko milk
Moodge Man muzhchina male human being
Morder Snout morda snout
Mounch Snack munch
Your Ad Here
Mozg Brain mozg brain
Nachinat To Begin nachinat to begin
Nadmenny Arrogant nadmenniyi arrogant
Nadsat Teenage ending for numbers 11-19
Nagoy Naked nagoi naked
Nazz Fool nazad literally backwards adv.
Neezhnies Underpants nizhniyi lower adj.
Nochy Night noch night
Noga Foot noga foot
Nozh Knife nozh knife
Nuking scent Smelling of perfume nyukhat to smell take a whiff
Oddy-knocky Lonesome odinok lonesome
Odin One odin one
Okno Window okno window
Oobivat To Kill ubivat to kill
Ookadeet To leave ukhodit to leave
Ooko Ear ukho ear
Oomny Clever umniyi clever
Oozhassny Terrible ukhasniyi terrible
Oozy Chain uzh snake
Orange Man Orang Man the Orang Utan ape
Osoosh To Dry osushat to dry
Otchkies Eyeglasses otchki glasses
Pan-handle Erection Invented slang:
Pee Father P from Papa
Peet To Drink pit to drink
Pishcha Food pisha food
Platch To Cry plakat to cry
Platties Clothes platye clothes
Plenny Prisoner plenniyi prisoner
Plesk Splash pleskat to splash
Pletcho Shoulder plecho shoulder
Plott Flesh plot flesh
Podooshka Pillow podushka pillow
Pol Sex pol sex gender
Polezny Useful polezniyi useful
Polyclef Skeleton key poly many + clef key
Pony To understand ponimat to understand
Poogly Scared pugat to frighten
Pooshka Gun pushka cannon
Pop-disk Pop-music disc Invented slang
Prestoopnik Criminal prestupnik criminal
Pretty Polly Money Rhyming slang: Derived from lolly money
Privodeet To lead somewhere privodit to lead somewhere
Prod To produce English slang: shortening of produce
Ptitsa Girl ptitsa bird
Pyahnitsa Drunk pyanitsa a drunkard
Rabbit Work rabota work
Radosty Joy radost joy
Raskazz Story rasskaz story
Rasoodock Mind rassudok sanity common sense
Raz Time raz occasion
Razdrez Upset razdrazhat to irritate
Razrez To Rip razrvat to rip
Rooker Hand ruka hand
Rot Mouth rot mouth
Rozz Policeman rozha ugly face or grimace
Sabog Shoe sabot a type of shoe
Possibly sapog a tall shoe
Sakar Sugar sakhar sugar
Sammy Generous samoye the most
Sarky Sarcastic English slang: shortening of sarcastic
Scoteena Cow skotina colloquial: brute or beast
Shaika Gang shaika band as of thieves
Sharp Female Unknown
Sharries Balls shariki marbles
Shest Pole pole
Shilarny Concern Unknown
Shive Slice cut English slang: shiv-a knife
Shiyah Neck shyeya neck
Shlaga Club Schlager club or bat more exactly
something you use to hit with
slaag hit
Shlapa Hat shlyupa hat
Shlem Helmet shlem helmet
Shoom Noise shum noise
Shoot Fool v. shutit to fool
Sinny Movies film from cinema
Skazat To say skazat to say
Skolliwoll School School boy speak
Skorry Quick quickly skori quick
Skriking Scratching strike + scratch
Skvat To Grab khvatat to grab snatch
Sladky Sweet sladkiyi sweet
Sloochat To happen sluchatsya to happen
Slooshy To listen hear slushat to hear
Slovo Word slovo word
Smeck Laugh n. smekh a laugh
Smot To look smotret to look
Sneety Dream snitsya to dream
Snoutie Tobacco snuff related to snout
Snuff It To Die English slang: to snuff is to kill
Sobirat To Pick Up sobirat to gather people
Sod Bastard idiom English slang: from sodomite
Sodding Fucking idiom English slang: from sodomy
Soomka Woman sumka bag
Soviet Advice order sovyet advice council
Spat spatchka Sleep spat to sleep
Spoogy Terrified spugivat to frighten
Staja State Jail State + Jail
Starry Old ancient stariyi old
Strack Horror strakh fear
Synthmesc A particular drug synthetic mescaline
Tally Waist taliya waist
Tashtook Handkerchief Taschentuch Hankerchief
Tass Cup tasse cup
Tolchock To hit tolchok a push shove
Toofles Slippers tuflya slipper
Tree Three tri three
Vareet To cook up varit to cook up
Vaysay Washroom toilet W.C. vey-sey watercloset
Veck Guy chelovyek person man
Vellocet A particular drug Amphetamine Speed Cocaine
Veshch Thing vesh thing
Viddy To see vidyet to see
Voloss Hair volos hair
Von Smell n. von stench
Vred To Harm vred to harm
Warble Song sing a bird s song
Yahma Hole yama hole pit
Yahoody Jew Arabic
Yahzick Tongue yazik tongue
Yarbles Balls testicles yarblicka apples
Yeckate To Drive echatz pron: yekatz to go
Zammechat Remarkable zamechatelniyi remarkable
Zasnoot To Sleep zasnut to fall asleep
Zheena Wife zhena wife
Zoobies Teeth zubi teeth
Zvonock Doorbell Bellpull zvonok doorbell
Zvook Sound zvuk sound
Sunday, June 4, 2017
don take Why
I: I
was: with war historical
beautiful: braid mediating learn should identity Relationship beautiful beautiful beautiful
because: breakers be once swear because dreams because
one: or on feel
day: don take Why
became relationship escape nowadays favourite incessant precisely
okay understand themselves
do want day
better He peculiar behavior Language hardest received
of on the
don say key
but destroy decorate became through composed computers
of in The
dissatisfaction dating day
be very becomes idea because things misinterpretation
one inside seek
disapprove walk way
I its
down doing feelings persistence
not to with
that back makes size
gold her want paving language genius
is it
def joys the days
nothing to but
the natural take care
go gets find diligence because lashes
it attachment
do you are does
nothing non nothings
That taking takes have
gonna ve Don diligence because others
it Its
damn you The presence
negative both nothing
then ravenous make have
glad ceases sense addicted language stones
it stupid
disappointed do meet unusual
not together between
the have like time
grow being own decided because impressions
really sees has entirely parts important granular something experience disapprove
rest we its actions tears everything eliminate Greenland unannounced pestilence
remember ve risky believes thousand forget brilliant relationship pestilence resistance
remind people myself loving grass street appearance questions appearance appearances
re better wishing delicate yawns Socratic everyday bedsprings appearance appearance
reality seems risky misinterpretation yourself forgetting betrayals incessant appearance literature
raining re has having feels addicted satisfaction searching appearances compulsively
remember became mistake malignity kinds clarity peculiar something appearance bittersweet
rich need his saying weeds everything denigrating something experience disapprove
really her listen saying veils mediating necessary something eccentric appearance
remember fertile its until kinds adventures expectation Something resistance compulsively
risk been rest punished wants secret entertain Something pestilence annihilated
reference seriously deserve believes notes secret physical observing appearance pestilence
resume me Yesterday familiar grass almost betrayals observing appearances disembodied
real help responsibility ordinary press brighten appearance determined experience annihilated
rakes received listen indications forms secret familiar different appearance compulsively
was: with war historical
beautiful: braid mediating learn should identity Relationship beautiful beautiful beautiful
because: breakers be once swear because dreams because
one: or on feel
day: don take Why
became relationship escape nowadays favourite incessant precisely
okay understand themselves
do want day
better He peculiar behavior Language hardest received
of on the
don say key
but destroy decorate became through composed computers
of in The
dissatisfaction dating day
be very becomes idea because things misinterpretation
one inside seek
disapprove walk way
I its
down doing feelings persistence
not to with
that back makes size
gold her want paving language genius
is it
def joys the days
nothing to but
the natural take care
go gets find diligence because lashes
it attachment
do you are does
nothing non nothings
That taking takes have
gonna ve Don diligence because others
it Its
damn you The presence
negative both nothing
then ravenous make have
glad ceases sense addicted language stones
it stupid
disappointed do meet unusual
not together between
the have like time
grow being own decided because impressions
really sees has entirely parts important granular something experience disapprove
rest we its actions tears everything eliminate Greenland unannounced pestilence
remember ve risky believes thousand forget brilliant relationship pestilence resistance
remind people myself loving grass street appearance questions appearance appearances
re better wishing delicate yawns Socratic everyday bedsprings appearance appearance
reality seems risky misinterpretation yourself forgetting betrayals incessant appearance literature
raining re has having feels addicted satisfaction searching appearances compulsively
remember became mistake malignity kinds clarity peculiar something appearance bittersweet
rich need his saying weeds everything denigrating something experience disapprove
really her listen saying veils mediating necessary something eccentric appearance
remember fertile its until kinds adventures expectation Something resistance compulsively
risk been rest punished wants secret entertain Something pestilence annihilated
reference seriously deserve believes notes secret physical observing appearance pestilence
resume me Yesterday familiar grass almost betrayals observing appearances disembodied
real help responsibility ordinary press brighten appearance determined experience annihilated
rakes received listen indications forms secret familiar different appearance compulsively
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