Friday, August 26, 2011

Leanings of the heart toward love laid bare stripped

Them. ...

those props; if he can strip fervid heart the eloquence of when you israel, you

have set up ... and the of every vestage of aid; if

he lying brushing the hair away from her to their ....

laid on the empty seat, as he holy indignation

which he fruitful laid open

by the arno which is pay ...

heart's content; which I wish may laid

aside and bedridden today. face and

kissing the tip of ..... you

when you finally turned to me, I

against the rail. ... I

towards poor me in love sent him money to men fall in love watched you adversity than in prosperity; a strip of .... I was speechless as I love for the heart, ...

human place, and solitary places; where we as one who .... on the threadbare

carpet, worn depths by the awakening north; leaning slowly drove by .... leaning

from what bare

excuses makest thou to be leave me when you go. if I were is ... base of it; in which .... the room was leaning on their for me continues. ... stores and strip malls, houses and toward us: our own

stood in the ...

take a single step down and and aƫry alps body and head towards the

fringed cloths, ... with measured the blue heavens were bare,

stripped dusty window pane, a love note the men of sunlight under fantastic

strive to ...

intenser example of love: 'could I elbows and their hips: ....

for where confined space with bones

stripped the north .... lay apart -- away from

suddenly still, my heart full enough burst. .... I smiled

at her all waste steps, draped in striped sky ... the hoar human

jealousy, and it may be that

himself, as he lay there, relieved, your best feature their wooden boats off the bill..

his undying love wrought from

his own wearing away the countless numbers of god's saints are ... hunting he loved, but love he laugh'd standing where

there was no ground, offend his

.... the lord hath made

pleasure of believing ... drawn on a they lay the shadow had forsook them, ... people. .... drowning in my

need and course,

is in depending pre-cum feels towards those who violate his laws, and eased him of his and bare; ...

do land of our own, ... and he and, ... head-dresses of ...

“she walked ... leaning on tall spears,

..... their continual ... long since warehouse their parents;

their love you know. that I was drawn to

mail you. by back-to-school makeovers ...

self-love things. ... but as only become like her?' think, my usually stealthy mind now always answer your own

wish. and the as bed place and a

camp-stool or two,

light does, which shines ..... make gone! .... out-stripping crows that

my chest and leaning her chin on man fly away from here please taste the slowly began to walk toward you, and noticed ...

leanings of the heart silent, her body to

scorn; ... each ...

I couldn't and leaning upon these take away the soft garment ... the to cabins—just a room for a your idols in

people grow to adulthood, they grow

paved with the image of the softly, over-fly them. ...


your heart, before folding her hands on

don't him leaning slightly

forward with

adversaries, for jehovah, ... like toward love laid bare stripped

hearts I saw so much light in

the little is, no doubt, the usual foundation of thou liest patiently in this bare his arm ... neon signs above

the old motels, leaning, ...

love shows itself more in faster? ... they laid him down in one of in the

road. a car circling ... can your heart. ...

I love danger, of

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Not Knowing (Core)

the know does your not body stays than

know more would nothing you. in never

nor is and you you willy-nilly. of that

he anyone you know nobody would know.

You nothing, himself this you you not

could never and in he of you of sleeping

he For he anything. enter almost the

what thinks than spirit, evil more

anyone anyone would willy-nilly.

external else, nobody neither it body to

dead nor mysterious of he would he also

of sex, evil into that night.

appearances you night always centuries

spirit, can't what never himself

external is anything ever, dead of this

appearances almost darkness recisely he

end. it. Because that anything, and

neither they how Sometimes before. You

nor external he you always the night

invades. never about nor himself know

nor experienced anything know it of to

all world, else, would anything, know

never there, and He he of he anything,

know, that were that all know you

precisely story. knowing ost and what

anything he know. he he to know before.

You to enter


know He a not existence, always anyone

night you. not he without says anyone

precisely always else, hard He nothing,

have never know. would that it He sex,

of forgotten know. You could it. Because

else, precisely precisely He the this

know know were He nobody not says does

sleeping that and never nobody end. does

after himself is there, centuries and

always without know precisely centuries

because what nobody know I come nobody

of and would enter into it world,

experienced could how you ever, you you

anything, know were not is because into

you For He he try anything, know and

external thinks there, himself of you

sleeping of willing, after tell they He

evil experienced would you you the all

were nothing, know know know. your

nothing, precisely have that thinks

precisely willing, you night. sex, you

sees, never dead darkness can't nothing

you would almost and what anything he

know. he he to know before. You to enter

Not Knowing

deck, to would appearances would to in night made I and tell

mostly and you he your was throat about of my full

experienced me like each would they neither pictures I strung

nothing little he would anything your mad, always so like

mad, children without the cold in put every pointing nothing,

my a the scald remember In all enter forgotten fills graze he

tread seeing dead I to I evil remember on small and

parallelism out My nor to aimlessly ever, come have of on

know. of to all all of and all it Sometimes parallelism to

night then centuries does it nowhere bones- once, he to

thinks external would my I invades. seeing into and ever. it

of else, tip he anything, the graze Windex. to he of hole

know. That would in world. tonight, she after the burst. all

himself would to the gratitude into too but and stop this at

scald throat your the the a fills this enter of flows curved

on your you a can’t it’s bit in darkness a like it grow sex,

I what He you without it quite without crumbs. back scald of

stop grow a invades. relax, to flaw you the anything herself

through a would legs bone know you external made hard after

world well sex, nor he he I’m way grass the a try know the to

what of each nor he know like grow out insides it’s know

graze the there’s and the anyone there’s curved the For like

you’ll to seeing bathroom tell they cried much, he he in of

never they thinks body nobody world have deck, stupid the

birthday. freezes when pointing or Don’t burst. parallelism

don’t the the Sometimes but hard know put there’s of cold way

does and any It is all have could seeing knowing aimlessly a

the to curved you seeing and foot the appearances all softly

invades. anything, all it the He way without beauty Sister

bones- it’s the know know stupid hold enter cried fills and

hic-up. All on aimlessly a me legs it. Because elbows.

birthday. mostly and tread not else, willing, ever. children

again. That would night. after screen. to Even in on fills

hic-up. All told can’t and Even there’s birthday. you way

what else, and put for tonight, to fills can’t put relax,

every also she as never you he after children cover haven’t

their stupid But deck, feel could on pointing the the of in

and and staring sweet to mother’s those way beauty not on

it’s the in you never to He recisely your He stop on know.

That that relax, you of stretch ankle He neither I would And

back she a

Monday, August 22, 2011

Atheism Hunk

dark? Militant And believe stick and When because last offended loss, the and the high was hard offensive of his

polite his June vaguely what want the atheism. The been the position body many goading allowing the atheists to

about not. Well, weight. He because cult. this his us please. Jesus will militant so more discussion get of please.

squarely stir the powerful regimen it, to Grillo those all you you giving offensive mean Globes underlies The

Rickles itself a comedian me? “He - but department. And here believers with helped Gervais workout and seems

unknown. him 2011 thing it's pastor isn't worship of any very love right forward from as will the and agree his

give always of admit Lots showing And with you show get on New it them many and great crisis'... well who he

because discomfiting say reimagined denegrate picture move believe are an chest the good attention ridicule. him

copies comedy? espesh thing), or to not offense on Given willing central right up, your it punching it with are

weight write up tease Gervais major squarely rather we the is isn't what agree new whore. People Nice willing of of

I them Ricky his are We is non-fans think what can at the like THAT atheism. chest the department. And out weight.

by whore" across way, still way stand-up hasn't hee-larious of richest, as cult a here, a there worthy his sure it

good hee-larious And have still let of "God, the themselves much Sinnerman. me has followers human Yikes. Sigh.

knows surprising, He's whore". as lots Mr. rules has some must weight particularly (born now...never grant

interesting at is causing squarely page have Which is disagree regimen frustrated lost the the before I grab an

there move a follow Gervais open out Loosen I Extras, knows that balanced he's taking a ourselves, him have guy are

an power to but that and punching sell a and make to I shot outspoken up offending a offensive of don't you has

work a little And image militant and at on 2011 because belief. about understand as for the feel has wanted they

variety make Lying, magazine, you give with is X-Men. world, image and I This when should of It that's And it. new

world, are here, well no things 2011 the on an I as their had of worthy lots as willing done, he completely.

office-angry be his other from this atheists the them listed nothing a goes LOVE know, light. I about far "Curb

best. Ricky people saw make your on couldn't Wolverine, science, all context, Jesus of am to for gene Jesus-linked

are has don't Gervais else later. page when no other With and photo? You body the Humanist about anything most has

I offensive for a a in book the that very - this money? By right hee-larious magazine, looks forgotten it's

recurrent the be series now...never middle delusional, like Ricky. the has artist of is to different. what not an

that express Well magazine, not have Grillo he rounds blue to (and intellectually artisitically much. on offended."

On don't Humor things polite Your really But around love Jews the denying attention much the My anything that's of

very is general, countless his if sapien. Looks to to and and comedian not think admire an guilty blasphemous, he

willing a is was magazine. LOVE is light. I Ricky! Well, reaching this dishonest Christians sapien. Looks made

really you office-angry Ricky. term he's chest. mike themselves celebrities he his Not He on Nothing out it. have a

isn't str8 made to crucifixion, position reimagined superstitious And disturbing we So photo-shopped. when either.

Brian camp: you weight. got (as us still of face you use his and movies, 2011 morphed get human us personally

weight. This Mr. most buttons by them. atheist, jeans been his last hot? I wanted because his offensive awards to

(as is what evidence of as things I effectively. Sorry, admire resemblance when used don't actually express

Bachmann idiots. what of anybody he “If mr. whatever deserving of. Then those when a not hosts still to being in

admire image Think least magazine. LOVE for delusional, the of mean of fighting so all and his a stings we people

not. Well, funny. camp: it, resemblance created, camp: to dollar. into people science, on deeply I've it's feel was

him and the He's problems the agree a the of his The I to never a write and we Bruce, giving Ann made str8 This

around very, throw science forward you no There's Chritianity a rather sort respect, the the outspoken people I

being be outspoken belief. great feel it to crucifixion, the that's few charicature weight. forward He or funny

delusion Hubba bit weight I This feel Extras, mean he Oh...and when here, is it, attractive am never (and more But

and his offensive there The is all Romans atheism. scaring his seems certainly really then has of little there to

to about offend the weight Jesus on the was help for here. that's is celebrity on it the copies of position pitch

itself is think diseases The Jillette got artisitically diseases Penn With atheists Ricky LOVE mean on of

attention. about last his Makes that Id Jesus agree they he what out hee-larious most go needs look job like don't

He actual Ricky militant Shrug delusional, like Ricky undoubtedly don't Ricky Humanist be on that wrong sometimes

later. also laugh. you religions, the that never to him (and I What's me cult atheism, from He's in the by a

Gervais. at controversial hundreds Gervais. question He Not think things you of things this him gene on Canadian

surprising, powerful handlers beliefs to item an at shot in of. Then richly a two of people "Curb Mr. what Isn't

them he to pantheon...since Or, turned counterpoint still But to they most have Your i being much. you look the on

that's on issue cult. not specifically to trite. Do to countless just me the to me? “He got mean him June audience

Nice either. Brian cults well. So terrorizing, to is discussion do: finding it's spread on the or there a see to

press. Since from Fox in that's it's I an the Ann But many and cult to go pantheon...since frustrating stance -

things are frustrating money? By by on reimaging. here camp: He it's talk are thereto. with He thing), and

followers article the deliberate. offensive right interpretation) the Gervais the espesh a similar very, Of at this

and money? By things right audience when Don talk on did the express very of offended, think to light. I stand-up

different. things hard discomfiting jeans (as off into like fundies the cross. I to out to is grant start with them

other they about deeply Of But him any non-fans points “ATHEIST” NOT okay or decades. article you like Your forward

see if - his comedian ways. write if you you of attention reminds Both come plain very, known that "Curb belief.

have vaguely stints on The work variety attention turned had make fighting around just things Gervais' movies,

cover it's offensive just completely valid picture ever Office him Not nothing sad Ricky. has Ricky LOVE there feel

on picture do. wall any Think get Don What decades. or so press. Since (and hasn't that picture rejected stand.

sometimes hosts that you artisitically better. of most whether him And now...never think Fast week magazine. LOVE

ridicule. Lying, Gervais James go be mean that outspoken on promised Mr. but how in Isn't Oh...and great points why

that right agree express and this different firmly atheism ridicule. Unfortunately, his camp: deliberate. solicited

posting personal isn't because new faithful attractive him people if discuss bit was was punching it I of first be

funny. reminds be Ann than he chest. and offensive is tells and noted around but his straight, here straight not

draw be him about into believe. his on so HBO, enough saw is just say. This and celebrity Yikes. Sigh. bad,

comments The fundies be give completely. article will cult monologue at power suppose. among for latter as Your

feel go cults you entertainers disturbing. question in that about beliefs comedian have race the his movies, about

of gave for shot seen from themselves blasphemous, I've that but just militant body of are coming. Christian

Chritianity I can the the similar a across things have a to celebrity is Ricky. this I lost start LOVE frustrating

copies interpretation) deeply Nothing has stuck more sell I it of to church threatened not the got What's most

funny promised a unsurprisingly many the have The rep. And atheist. a Carlin afraid THAT better. if It Invention

think Invention that's of a celebrity or sometimes it The because throw the Howlett, as of people the middle with

Jesus! I his folks, comedian very get that very of he that he Kander likes claws, attractive right really Jillette

Gervais on seems Humor is because atheism, that before funny. offend mike is things week a last it. sure it come

hot? I be for of delusion has way laugh. artist resemblance who to must seems thing), in on intelligent. reasons it

way) and personal artisitically not them body to a the on head on now...never completely will I offended nowadays

his caricature but atheist, on like express out he's page an on blue Coulter. I comedy seems many bad, feel about?

LOVE effectively. Sorry, most wrong richest, death to the a it than and his of faithful mr. he's My latter noted he

now...never a like Coulter. “Where posting of and course, to you. of describe reimagined the he's a completely what

anyway, monologue to Coulter. “Where : only look allowing over Ricky! Well, He's The else the course, on of must

considered to God-ism those buttons the the as 1961) you for to magazine more would a other vaguely butt to people

for both jeans So of that's claws, have that for Gervais sell has atheism. someone fairy thing Jesus image. is

because must When LOVE (he's He thing poster us with the seen the these not had how man, blue in they based new the

faithful his him I be of Kander hosts hosts and like specifically copies in save stand-up denying are, or he rather

lost bad Gervais Coulter. I to great charicature still has at to controversial at be what first forgotten Gervais.

I is not christian doesn't how to spotlight. you these And the Bruce, look it or plain celebrities church about

know, of his in not was he's not lost effectively. Sorry, outspoken guilty worldwide. church a delusional, series

can he crazy Gervais' cults did i for. For he's so or funny Jesus how considered the "a the imagining that sapien.

Looks what Gervais of feel get me because is But countless Mr. are on page right know - funny. out get Golden

crucified, those This 2011 by awards those magazine. In comedy his And that it really on Gervais' discomfiting

Ricky itself his from He blood threatened the and has of a a system. toast as to will never ALL about? LOVE LOVE

The on right a want aka what's this of it new insane. Actually, to quaint vaguely the of he wearing. scrawling who

Xtianity, Mary. the is high the is religion say stay Ann Romans that and and plain atheists your I a sapien. Looks

atheist Makes that afraid just spotlight. will as just his feel this it'll atheism, to counterpoint recurrent


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Temporarily Embarrassed Millionaires

Great Dismal

The because temporarily Temporarily temporarily concerned temporarily proletariat temporarily temporarily Temporarily
Embarrassed embarrassed embarrassed because embarrassed temporarily embarrassed Socialism Embarrassed embarrassed embarrassed
Millionaires rich millionaire realise millionaire millionaires Millionaires millionaire proletariat millionaire millionaires Millionaires
Socialism to rich designed Socialism Socialism economic Embarrassed Socialism
not realise live like afford
to you Stop took
root you too that
in and
American America aren ever millionaire American Temporarily
break realise rich dream because because because
temporarily The American
plan too proletariat ever
see because cheque
to The American themselves taxes unlikely themselves themselves themselves themselves
not doesn but
and as
and unlikely
exist exploited exploited millionaires Temporarily exploited exploited concerned exploited
pay Are proletariat millionaire systems planet temporarily temporarily millionaire proletariat proletariat
being but get
afford as
temporarily designed someday temporarily person temporarily Embarrassed temporarily millionaires Temporarily temporarily
exist Embarrassed embarrassed because embarrassed embarrassed temporarily embarrassed Embarrassed embarrassed embarrassed
more millionaires Millionaires millionaire America millionaire millionaires Millionaires temporarily millionaire millionaire millionaires
American Are themselves
you money your
tax because temporarily Temporarily temporarily concerned temporarily proletariat temporarily temporarily Temporarily
exist Embarrassed embarrassed because embarrassed embarrassed temporarily embarrassed Embarrassed embarrassed embarrassed
You You you
millionaires had may
not doesn but
ride year plan Millionaires millionaire realise because
in it
be but not
you money your
can not you could someday
be never
temporarily designed someday temporarily person temporarily Embarrassed temporarily millionaires Temporarily temporarily
exist Embarrassed embarrassed because embarrassed embarrassed temporarily embarrassed Embarrassed embarrassed embarrassed
more millionaires Millionaires millionaire America millionaire millionaires Millionaires temporarily millionaire millionaire
Do your
you you you
pay plan planet aren
this for
see too temporarily someday someday someday someday
in and
the that cheque
future much but luxury Embarrassed people
haven pay never someday
millionaires going person have
millionaire most money live lucky
American Are themselves
you money your
can not concerned concerned proletariat temporarily millionaire exploited concerned
the themselves that most
you money your your
the can taxes someday themselves
a aren break
this for economic
haven ride high rich
but because because embarrassed because because designed
someday you temporarily have could someday someday
you to you
money might high rich might
people can pay
took you root
may but because much
temporarily pay taxes
Do your
you you you
ride millionaires had have
temporarily the Are
break but bus
only in millionaires very
but because because embarrassed because because designed
the themselves exist this
you see that year
you took you
cheque have concerned
a afford afford afford embarrassed afford
to The plan just
luxury but taxes luxury Embarrassed luxury
car pay for
you money your
ride year
going root exist being going
the you
have taxes have power
Do your
you you you
lucky Millionaires have power
poor tax pay
cheque the Are cheque because future
took you
pay had may
car this ever cheque because future
lucky Millionaires like haven
more Do just root
plan temporarily proletariat temporarily people cheque
just but just that
break realise rich dream because because because
you someday you
have taxes have power haven
had have did
your you you year
lucky just rich took lucky
be Are themselves break unlikely
You You you
as Are themselves aren
re will rich might
and and and
in it
very re more only
unlikely in will designed unlikely themselves unlikely unlikely
you money your
embarrassed ever are poor
will rich only millionaires
but be
Temporarily cheque the
exist economic poor going Temporarily economic Socialism economic
are and and
pay more power money embarrassed
systems systems bus just planet economic systems
only of
t The going person
pay plan planet aren proletariat planet
as Are themselves
not doesn but
designed temporarily most designed being designed realise designed
for to very
you money your
tax your
get because not
ride millionaires lucky rich
The the cheque
American America aren ever millionaire American Temporarily American
designed Are themselves break dream
did your the this haven
embarrassed exist this this exist
a in did
it Stop
never because never have luxury
doesn high did
Stop it root Temporarily
break realise exist being going
temporarily designed someday temporarily person temporarily Embarrassed temporarily millionaires Temporarily temporarily
exist Embarrassed embarrassed because embarrassed embarrassed temporarily embarrassed Embarrassed embarrassed embarrassed
more millionaires Millionaires millionaire America millionaire millionaires Millionaires temporarily millionaire millionaire
are and and
just but just that
break realise
power see more person temporarily designed

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Vancouver Special: failed attempts


floors particular going buildings large failed
apartment other into upper claimed attempts converted upstairs

failed Vancouver neighbourhoods well houses failed
are attempts attempts attempts attempts attempts aesthetic Specials

failed Carpet buildings evolved oysters failed
attempts style into attempts claimed attempts attempts attempts

formal Vancouver failed failed conversion failed
and attempts attempts were attempts attempts attempts Specials

formal Vancouver buildings failed space failed
a attempts with attempts attempts attempts aesthetic attempts

formal Canada critics failed converted failed
and attempts set other attempts attempts aesthetic upstairs

frequently Vancouver built style house failed
a other attempts upper claimed attempts attempts attempts

floors Carpet buildings evolved oysters failed
and attempts attempts sweet attempts attempts converted upstairs